In order to drive forward the EU’s Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, the European Commission has launched a portal dedicated to this, as a part of the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT). The Portal provides information about the Mission and latest developments regarding its delivery, including by regional and local authorities that are participating as Charter Signatories and by research projects.
This Portal offers knowledge and tools for use and it serves to help the authorities develop, implement and monitor their climate change adaptation plans. It offers knowledge, data and tools tailored for use at regional scale. Through the Regional Adaptation Support Tool (RAST), whose preparation is undergoing, authorities will be able to get practical information for each step of developing their climate change adaptation plans.

The Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change contributes to delivery of the EU Adaptation Strategy by helping the regions and local authorities to:
- Better understand the climate risks that they are and will be confronted with in the future
- Develop their pathways to be better prepared and cope with the changing climate
- Test and deploy on the ground innovative solutions needed to build resilience to climate change
The Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change started in September 2021 with the adoption of a Communication on EU Missions, followed by the approval of all five Missions’ implementation plans. It focuses on supporting EU regions, cities and local authorities in their efforts to build resilience against the impacts of climate change. Furthermore, it aims to deliver concrete solutions to big societal challenges such as climate change by putting research and innovation in combination with new forms of governance and collaboration, and stakeholder and citizen engagement. The Mission’s objective is to accompany by 2030 at least 150 European regions and communities towards climate resilience.